Civic Democrat MEPs abstain in vote on Lisbon Treaty report
MEPs from the biggest party in the Czech coalition government the Civic Democrats abstained in a vote on the Treaty of Lisbon at the European Parliament on Wednesday. A report on the document being debated by MEPs expressed regret that some elements of an earlier failed EU constitution were not preserved in the Lisbon Treaty, which has replaced it. Czech MEP Jan Zahradil, a senior Civic Democrat, said that expression of regret meant the report ran counter to the Czech government’s position. However, Czech Social Democrat MEP Libor Rouček described the Civic Democrats’ position as embarrassing, given that the party leads the Czech government, which has signed the treaty.
The Czech Republic will hold the rotating presidency of the EU in the first half of 2009, when the Treaty of Lisbon may come into effect, if it has been ratified by all member states by the end of this year.