CEZ opens talks with KHNP on contract to build two Dukovany reactors

The Czech semi-state energy group CEZ started talks with the South Korean company KHNP on the contract for the construction of two nuclear units at the Dukovany power station and the document is expected to be signed by the end of March 2025, CEZ spokesman Ladislav Kriz told the Czech News Agency on Wednesday.

Earlier this month, the Czech government decided to award a contract to build two new nuclear units at the Dukovany power station to KHNP, giving it preference over France’s EDF, in what was the largest tender in the history of the Czech state.

The cabinet had so far approved the building of two units at Dukovany but it will also discuss an option for up to two more units at the country’s second nuclear power plant, Temelín.

Author: Ruth Fraňková