CEZ cancels Temelin tender after government refuses guarantees

Czech utility ČEZ has cancelled the tender to build two new nuclear reactors at its Temelin site, adding that it had informed the remaining bidders, US based Westinghouse and the Russian-Czech MIR 1200 consortium. The move comes a day after the Czech government explicitly stated that it would not give any state guarantees for construction of the nuclear new power plants. At the same time, the Cabinet reiterated its general support for nuclear power and called for the ministries of industry and trade and ministry of finance to plan the country’s next steps for its development by the end of this year in the context of redrawing its long term energy policy. ČEZ Chief Executive Daniel Beneš said in a statement that future development with the state would be necessary to develop nuclear energy given the fact the country could face an electricity shortage in 20 years time.

Author: Chris Johnstone