Business unions declare Saturday “Window Day” in support of restaurants

Photo: Lucie Fürstová, Czech Radio

Business unions have launched a one-day campaign in support of the gastronomy sector which has been severely hit by the coronavirus restrictions. They are asking people to support their favourite restaurant by picking up their order directly at the dispensing window without the use of food delivery.

Photo: Lucie Fürstová,  Czech Radio

As the coronavirus crisis deepens many restaurants and eateries are fighting for survival. Within the restrictions enforced restaurants, bars and clubs had to close on October 14 and can now only operate on a take-away basis selling food through dispensing windows between 6am and 8pm or delivering orders to people’s homes. Although many availed themselves of the opportunity to do so, orders have inevitably dropped and sales are at a fraction of the standard level.

In a joint press release the Confederation of Trade and Tourism (SOCR), the Association of Hotels and Restaurants (AHR) and the Association of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and Tradesmen (AMSP) is asking the public to help. Not only by ordering a meal but by picking up their order directly at the restaurant without the use of food delivery. They have declared Saturday “Window Day”, but essentially they are hoping to galvanize the public into action on any day of the week, by highlighting the plight of restaurants, many of which are on the verge of bankruptcy.

Photo: Michaela Danelová,  Czech Radio

The organizer of the project My Restaurant Luboš Kastler, says that by picking up their meals directly people will save gastronomy companies at least 30 percent of the profit from sales. The Association of Hotels and Restaurants earlier called on distribution companies to offer caterers significantly better conditions at least until the end of the year. According to the CTK news agency some have already responded to the appeal -the start-up for food delivery Wolt reduced delivery prices in Prague and Brno by 20 to 30 percent, while the Bolt Food app provides free shipping to partner restaurants and gives a 30 percent discount on food from select businesses.