Brno plays host to international defence exhibition

IDET 2001, the 6th International exhibition of Defence and Security Technology and Special Information Systems, is currently underway in the Moravian capital of Brno. Since the Czech defence industry has quite a solid reputation, many companies from all over the world have come for the exhibition, making it the largest European trade fair in the field. Radio Prague's Dita Asiedu was there on the opening day, and is here with me in the studio now to tell us a little about it. Dita, welcome back. So, what was the exhibition like?

Dita Asiedu: It was absolutely amazing. The Czech Republic's largest and smallest firms were there to present their products. Some of the more famous ones were Aero Vodochody, known for its military planes and Tatra Trucks whose trucks are used by the governments of the United Arab Emirates and India, amongst others... but the fair is not just for companies, it's also open to the public. You buy a ticket, go through heavy security checks, but then find yourself on this huge exhibition ground with access to absolutely everything you can think of relating to defence and security. There are tanks, guns, trucks, satellite communication devices and you can also drive a tank in a war zone on a simulator. But I was really impressed by this huge radar that looked like a massive green, rotating, rectangular satellite dish mounted on a truck... so I had to stop and ask what it was used for...

Milan Chyba: The radar equipment here, provides complete radar information about air traffic in the near field of the airport and also serves for the precise approach of airplanes.

Radio Prague: When do you use this sort of radar?

MC: The basic feature is to cover temporary fields which are not covered by other radar system devices. For example when the stationary air field is inactive (injured) we can activate another place and use this equipment to cover the field.

RP: This radar is rather big. How do you make sure that it is not seen and not bombed?

MC: Other radar are much bigger. This one is small and highly mobile when compared to others. This equipment is now property of the Czech Army and our company is about to start the production of other pieces for other customers.

RP: Have people stopped by to ask about it?

MC: Yes, I have many business cards. Interesting and powerful people have visited this equipment and I think this one is interesting for them.

... Milan Chyba is from TESLA's radar technique department.

This year's exhibition also offers seminars on several topics, including the security and protection of information, new trends in radar systems, weapons and so on, which include speakers from all over the world who have come to share their knowledge and experiences.