Beijing complains of Czech senate leader’s relations with Taiwan

The Chinese Embassy in Prague has objected to Senate leader Jaroslav Kubera (Civic Democrats) speaking at a Taiwanese celebration on Wednesday, where he highlighted economic cooperation and was photographed with Taiwan Economic and Cultural Office representatives.

Czech investigative daily Deník N reports that President Miloš Zeman has warned Kubera, who plans to visit Taiwan next year, that his actions may aggravate relations with China.

Kubera is quoted as saying his trip is not anti-China but rather pro-business, noting that Taiwan is the Czech Republic’s third largest Asian trading partner.

In April, then Trade and Industry Minister Marta Nováková (for ANO) was recalled over a diplomatic incident that highlighted China’s efforts to assert its influence: a Taiwan representative was forced to leave a ministry event at the request of the Chinese ambassador.

Author: Brian Kenety