Beethoven Spa House pampers guests with composer's favourite dishes, his suite and his music

Café Restaurant Beethoven in Teplice
  • Beethoven Spa House pampers guests with composer's favourite dishes, his suite and his music

In their hey-day Czechia’s many spas attracted royalty and celebrities from around Europe. To this day many of them have mementos of their famous visitors. The Teplice spa boasts the Beethoven Spa House where music lovers can book their stay in the luxury suite he occupied, eat the food that he loved and listen to the music he composed.       

Teplice is the oldest spa in Czechia and one of the oldest in Europe. Nestled in a valley between the Central Bohemian mountain range and the ridges of the Krušné Hory Mountains it offers healing thermal springs, attractive historic buildings, parks, gardens, fountains, a colonnade and a Baroque Marian column.

In the 18th and 19th centuries it was dubbed the “little Paris of Bohemia” visited by emperors, artists and scientists, among them Austro-Hungarian Emperor Francis Joseph I, Peter the Great and the famous composers Beethoven and Wagner.

Ludwig van Beethoven | Photo: Meatle,  Pixabay,  Pixabay License

The spa specializes in treating movement disorders in a complex of large spa houses. One of its spa houses bears the name of the world famous composer Ludwig van Beethoven. Iveta Slížkova, the spa’s business manager, explains.

“Ludwig van Beethoven stayed here in 1811 and 1812 not just for the treatment the spa afforded, but to compose in the beautiful and tranquil environment. We know that some of his famous symphonies were born here. That is something we are very proud of and the Beethoven Spa House is tailored as a tribute to the famous composer. “

Café Restaurant Beethoven in Teplice | Photo: Eva Bucharová,  Czech Radio

The spa house is hugely popular with visitors and Beethoven’s presence is everywhere you look. Café Restaurant Beethoven has become a popular haunt.

“Every detail of the interior of Café Restaurant Beethoven commemorates the composer. The walls are covered with wallpaper printed with his scores, the originals of which we acquired from Beethoven Haus in Bonn. The musical theme is present in the design of the café’s chandeliers, which resemble a cluster of notes, the chair armrests and coat hangers. The tablecloths are embroidered with Beethoven's signature. Violin keys and music notes are even apparent on the uniforms of our staff – such as on the cufflinks and ties of waiters.”

Café Restaurant Beethoven in Teplice | Photo: Eva Bucharová,  Czech Radio

Open the menu and you will find Beethoven's favourite dishes made for him by the spa’s chefs at the time and there is also a cake named after him. Iveta Slížková says this is not just a PR stunt.

Café Restaurant Beethoven in Teplice | Photo: Eva Bucharová,  Czech Radio

“We have information about the food Beethoven liked and what he asked for during his time here. He loved light Italian dishes and so one of the items on the menu is homemade pasta with cheese sauce, Parmesan cheese and truffle oil. The list of desserts includes Beethoven's Chocolate Cake. That is specially made for us and you will not find it anywhere else. And for beer lovers there is a 14-degree ale named after him, using the top-fermentation method that was common in Beethoven's time.”

If you book well in advance you can stay in the Ludwig van Beethoven suite, decorated with copies of his famous scores.

Café Restaurant Beethoven in Teplice | Photo: Eva Bucharová,  Czech Radio

“This beautiful room is where the composer stayed. You will see his scores on the lighting, there is an old violin and an old piano, which is no longer functional and has been cleverly turned into a bar. And there is a wooden creation resembling Beethoven’s head. Even the entrance to the room is incredibly beautiful.

The Beethoven House naturally resounds with his music.

“We have evenings with piano music here every Wednesday and Friday. A skilled pianist from the music conservatory comes on those days and plays whatever guests want to hear. These evenings are extremely popular with visitors and one needs to book well in advance.”

Café Restaurant Beethoven in Teplice | Photo: Eva Bucharová,  Czech Radio
Authors: Daniela Lazarová , Eva Bucharová
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