Babiš: Online services for citizens and businesses to be available within five years

Andrej Babiš, photo: ČTK/David Taneček

Prime Minister Andrej Babiš has said that citizens and businesses should be able to profit from state online services within the next five years. Furthermore, citizens should be able to rely on online services to support them in the full administration process. The commitment was made on Monday, at the launch of the annual ISSS conference in Hradec Králové which is being attended by more than 2,000 guests from the public and private sectors.

Andrej Babiš,  photo: ČTK/David Taneček
For many years, politicians in the Czech Republic have been criticised for the inability to turn digitisation strategies into effect.

While states such as Estonia have almost fully digitised their services, in the Czech Republic both the public and the business sector are still dependent on visitations to local district offices to solve their administrative obligations.

No wonder therefore that when forming its manifesto in 2018, the government placed the digitisation of state services second on the list of its key priorities.

Now the prospects of following through with the plan seem strong after the draft law on the right to digital service received support from all parties within the Chamber of Deputies, last Wednesday.

Once passed, the law will make it compulsory for all organs of the state to offer digital services within a five year period.

First, a one year period will be given to publicise an agenda catalogue. Then, the government will have four years to put the proposed innovations into practice.

On Monday, Mr. Babiš gave an opening speech at the annual ISSS conference in Hradec Králové, where he stressed the importance of public and private sector cooperation when digitising the state, providing the use of bank identity as a log in system to state online services as an example.

More than 2000 guests are attending the conference, which has set out public administration reform, e-government development and society informatization as its main focus points. The programme features around 200 presentations and discussions, as well as the chance for 100 technology and internet service providers to show their technologies.