Austrians demonstrate against Temelin nuclear power plant

Austrian anti-nuclear activists staged another demonstration at the Wullowitz Czech-Austrian border check point in South Bohemia on Friday. They are protesting against the controversial Temelin nuclear power station located just 50 kilometres from the Austrian border. At a meeting in the town of Melk in December, Czech Prime Minister Milos Zeman and his Austrian counterpart Wolfgang Schuessel signed an agreement, according to which the Czech Republic will carry out an environment impact study at the plant by June. But - the Austrians say - three months of testing are not enough. The Austrian Vice Chancellor Susanne Reiss-Passer has expressed her support for the activists, saying the Czech Republic must comply fully with the Melk agreements.

Austrian haulage companies do not support blockades

Meanwhile, Austrian haulage companies have criticised the possibility of further blockades of border crossings. They say they are aware of the seriousness of the issue of nuclear safety, but at the same time - they say - goods cannot be held up at the border.