Audio Visual exhibition in Prague

The Czech-based events organiser Mediumcool is holding it's fifth event on November 10th at the Palac Akropolis here in Prague. Mediumcool is Christopher and Andrea Heikens' recent addition to the Prague event scene. They are designers who felt that the Czech Republic lacked a venue for people in the creative field to meet and interact in an artistic setting. They therefore have been organising regular events where artists and designers from different fields - home and abroad - co-produce exhibitions and performances here in Prague. Their main goal to present design in a more contemporary way. Nicole Klement has more...

Mediumcool's most recent event, a so-called 'visual audio' exhibition with workshops and performances by Czech and foreign artists, will take place on November 10th at Palace Akropolis here in Prague. The exhibition will begin in the afternoon with an audio-visual workshops, then continue with live performances in the evening and DJ's late into the night.

I spoke with Mediumcool's Christopher Heikens about his reasons for founding the company...

"Mediumcool is a project that my wife, Andrea, and I started back in January/February of this year. Basically, the idea for the project came from our awareness that there seemed to be no place in Prague to go and meet other people in the creative field. We were looking for a nice social place where we could interact with other people in the creative industry. Not necessarily designers for the internet, like we are, but also architects and other types of designers. For us, inspiration and an eclectic approach really help in all fields of design. So, with this in mind we took the idea and built upon it. Mediumcool now is a project of regular events three or four times a year, right now we put on design exhibitions where we try to mix and highlight different designs and different designers from both the Czech Republic and Abroad."

I also asked him about what to expect from their November 10th daytime workshops...

"The next event will be on November 10th at Palace Akropolis and it will focus on the theme of Audio/Visual design. The idea behind it is the way that audio musicians and designers, who work with Audio, interact on the visual side. Specifically we will be having workshops earlier in the day that will be both hands-on workshops where some of the musicians who will show some of the equipment that they work with, as well as some of the different things that they are able to do, such as real time synchronisation with video. Plus, there will be a workshop by Phase that will be showing off some different techniques in VJing and in mixing visuals to audio. Then, we will have on exhibition new works by a Frederico Diaz and E-area as well as by Silver. "

The Czech virtual artist - Silver - will be at the daytime workshop, and other big names will be appearing in the evening.

"In the evening we will have a number of different musicians such as aftermath and the Lab, we have some guest artists coming from Germany we have Noisiv and Current Value, who are both musicians from Berlin. They will both be showcasing how they work with electronic triggering devices, how they work with electronic synthesisers and as well they will be interacting with a number of different VJs throughout the evening. Again, one thing we are trying to do is break some boundaries and take some chances with what normally would not necessarily be sitting side by side."

That was RP's Nicole Klement talking to Christopher Heikens, the co-founder of Mediumcool. For more information about past and future design events here in Prague listen to this weeks "ARTS" programme.

Author: Nicole Klement
run audio