Around 40,000 in first major protest against government imposed cuts

Czech trades unions held their first major protest against pay cuts being introduced by the centre-right coalition government on Tuesday. Police estimated participation at around 40,000. Organisers said they reckoned it was around 45,000. They had originally counted on around 20,000 union members from around the country would take part in the demonstration which got underway in Prague just before noon. Among those taking part were police officers, fire fighters and health workers.

The unions are opposed to a planned 10-percent overall reduction in the operating costs of ministries and the state sector next year. Wage costs are expected to be cut by 10 percent as part of those savings with a choice between cuts in jobs or cuts in salaries. The state sector would also cut capital investments by 5.0 percent. The recently appointed government of Prime Minister Petr Nečas aims to balance the Czech state budget by 2016. Among its priorities are reform of the country’s pension, health and third level education systems.

Author: Chris Johnstone