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And now let's add a little Prague colour to our program. To learn about the latest generation of Czech dramatists one must check out their current creations. Student theatres abound in this country and many of their shows are innovative, creative and fresh. In order to see past the tourist theatre scene - where the National theatre and the State opera reign supreme - some visitors take in a performance at one of the many student theatres in central Prague. Radio Prague's Nicole Klement sat in on Pan Nula or Mr. Zero, a performance by students from the Faculty of Music and Arts here in Prague. After the show she spoke with Jiri Havelka a fourth year student at the Academy of Music and Arts and the director of the play, about his latest piece.

Jiri Havelka: "Every student of directing must create his own performance. I always wanted to make a play about the man who was the first to make films in the Czech republic and central Europe. He is called Jan Krizenecki, he was the first to buy a camera from Lumiere and he was the first person who made short movies. So I wanted to produce a play about him. I wrote a play based a novel by Adolf Branat, I didn't write exact sentences because I didn't want actors to just to say what I wrote. Instead I gave them an idea- like; the first scene will be about developing film and about discovering film and I want you (the actors) to find a way to make motions like those seen in old films."

Radio Prague: I didn't know that when I saw the play and I thought it was fantastic how you made so many different noises with the one prop such as benches etc.

JH:"My first idea was to have the whole play without any sentences. To have just body language telling the story. But, in the end only two scenes are how I wanted to have the whole play. The scene where they develop the film and gymnastics, sokol scene."

RP: So, do you think that now alternative theatre is more accepted than it was before? And do a lot of Czechs come and see your plays?

JH:"In Pan Nula I was afraid that an older audience would not accept my use of two screens to simulate a bed. But, I was surprised because even the old audience came to me after the show and to say it was perfect and that they understood everything. So I think that, after the Velvet Revolution, theatre is more free, the audience doesn't want such strict traditional theatre. It's more free in the audience's perception of the performance. But I don't know how far I can push it with this alternative."

RP: Could you tell me when are your next performances so some of our listeners can go to see them?

JH: "If you want to see the performance in studio Ypsilon which is called Amala and Prasak or Amala and Pig come on the 15th of November at 7:30pm. If you want to see Pan Nula, Mr. Zero, come to Disk which is the Academy of Theatre's theatre, on November 18th and 19th at 7:30 as well."