Anthony Braxton to premiere his opera Trillium X in Prague

The world premiere of Trillium X, Anthony Braxton's experimental multimedia opera, will take place at Prague’s DOX Centre for Contemporary Art on Tuesday evening. The Chicago-born composer and multi-instrumentalist is recognized one of the most important musicians, educators, and creative thinkers of the past few decades.

His cycle of operas called Trillium, which explores the themes of metaphysics, mysticism, and human consciousness, has been in the making since the 1990s. The premiere of the last and largest part of the cycle, Trillium L, is scheduled for 2025 on the occasion of his 80th birthday.

The concert will be performed by the Prague Music Performance Orchestra headed by Braxton’s long-time friend, composer, and trombonist Roland Dahinden.

Author: Ruth Fraňková