ANO leading in latest parliamentary election poll

Had parliamentary elections taken place in March, Andrej Babiš's opposition ANO party would have won with 32.9 percent of the vote, according to a poll conducted by the STEM agency and published by CNN Prima News on Sunday. Prime Minister Petr Fiala's Civic Democrat party would have come in second with 14.5 percent of the vote and their government coalition partners the Pirate party third with 10.5 percent. The opposition Freedom and Direct Democracy party would have been not far behind them with 9.3 percent.

The other parties making up the government coalition, the Mayors and Independents and TOP 09, would have barely scraped past the minimum 5 percent threshold needed to gain seats in parliament, with 6.6 percent and 5.2 percent respectively. The final party making up the five-party coalition, the Christian Democrats, wouldn't even have made it into parliament with only 3.1 percent of the vote, gaining even fewer votes than the Communist party (4.5 percent) and the Social Democrats (3.6 percent).

Author: Anna Fodor