Anniversary of the Week
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Centenary of Czech Mycological Society
Mushroom picking is a national hobby in the Czech Republic, passes on from generaton to generation.
150 years since formation of “Vltavan” Association in Prague
Prague’s Vltava river has been used to transport wood on rafts for centuries. On June 11, 1871, local raft traders formed their own association.
30 years since opening of first Czech supermarket
Although Czechs had to wait for the introduction of the supermarket until the end of communism, today the country has one of the densest networks of these shops.
Bethlehem Chapel - where Master Jan Hus preached
The first preaching chapel in Europe was founded 630 years ago.
Czech National Museum: An architectural gem full of treasures
The neo-Renaissance building has dominated Wenceslas Square in Prague for 130 years. Since the centenary of the republic’s founding, it also has a shiny new façade.
110 years since first long-distance flight from Pardubice to Prague
The historic flight from Pardubice to Prague – at the time the longest flight ever undertaken in the Austro-Hungarian Empire – took place on May 13, 1911.