Andrej Babiš says ČEZ should finance new Dukovany nuclear reactor

ANO leader and minister of finance Andrej Babiš has said that he believes the near 70 percent state controlled power company ČEZ should be able to finance the construction of a new nuclear reactor at Dukovany from its own resources. Babiš’ comments came during a visit to the nuclear reactor site on Friday. The minister pointed out that ČEZ has one of the lowest debt levels of all major European electricity companies and should be able to cover the preparation and construction costs on its own.

How to finance new nuclear reactors has been a major issue within the coalition government after it announced last year that it would not guarantee the price of electricity from new nuclear reactors. ČEZ immediately afterwards cancelled its ongoing tender for two new reactors at its Temelín site. Dukovany’s existing four reactors are likely to be phased out between 2035 and 2037.

Author: Chris Johnstone