• 06/05/2023

    President Petr Pavel appointed three new members of the Constitutional Court on Monday for the first time since his inauguration in March.

    They are former president of the Supreme Administrative Court Josef Baxa, constitutional law professor Jan Wintr and former president of the Judges' Union Daniela Zemanová, whose nominations were approved by the Senate last week.

    The three have replaced judges whose ten-year mandate ended on May 3. Another constitutional judge completed his term in office this past weekend but the president has not yet announced a candidate for the post.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
  • 06/05/2023

    The average monthly wage in Czechia in the first quarter of 2023 rose by 8.6 percent year-on-year to CZK 41,256, the Czech Statistics Office reported on Monday.

    In real terms, taking into account inflation, earnings fell by 6.7 percent. However two-thirds of employees earn less than the average wage.

    The median wage, a midway between the highest and the lowest levels, increased by 8.9 percent year on year to CZK 34,741. It was CZK 37,696 for men and CZK 31,856 for women.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
  • 06/05/2023

    Twenty-six-year-old Karolina Muchova advanced to the quarterfinals of Roland Garros for the first time on Sunday after  beating Russia’s Elina Avanesyan 6-4, 6-3. She is set to play against Russian Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova in the next round. This is Muchova’s fourth Grand Slam quarter-final, but first at Roland-Garros; her previous quarter-finals were at Wimbledon in 2019 and 2021, and the Australian Open in 2021.

  • 06/05/2023

    Dozens of people gathered in Prague's Old Town Square on Sunday afternoon to support the jailed  Russian opposition politician Alexei Navalny on his 47th birthday. On display was a replica of the cell where the politician is imprisoned. The aim of the event was to provide moral support for Navalny and to draw attention to the inhumane conditions in which he is being held, the organizers told the ctk news agency. Similar protest actions took place in other world cities.

  • 06/04/2023

    Monday should bring partly cloudy to overcast skies with rain and day temperatures between 16 and 20 degrees Celsius.

  • 06/04/2023

    The parties of the SPOLU coalition (Civic Democrats, Christian Democrats and TOP 09)  which won the last general elections and are now in government may run together in next year’s European elections as well, Prime Minister Petr Fiala told CNN Prima News on Sunday. “We are considering the possibility so as to increase our chances of success and to represent the country well in the European Parliament," Fiala said adding that nothing had yet been settled. According to the Interior Ministry the European elections in Czechia will take place on June 7-8, 2024, but the date must still be formally announced by President Petr Pavel.

  • 06/04/2023

    If elections to the Chamber of Deputies were held now, the opposition ANO party would win a landslide victory according to a survey conducted by the STEM agency. ANO would win 33.5 percent of the votes, the Civic Democrats, the strongest party in the ruling coalition, would place second with 14.6 percent and the Pirate Party, which is also in government, would get 10.8 percent. The only other parties to cross the 5 percent margin needed to win seats in the lower house would be the opposition Freedom and Direct Democracy Party with 9.3 percent of the votes and the governing Mayors and Independents with 5.8 percent.

  • 06/04/2023

    The growing gap in public finances in the first five months of the year is reason for concern, but the cabinet may still be able to keep the deficit within the projected 295 billion crowns in 2023, Prime Minister Petr Fiala said in a debate on CNN Prima News. The prime minister said the months of June and July would bring revenues from windfall tax, dividends from the state-owned power utility ČEZ and money from European funds, which would make a difference to the state of the budget. He said the canbinet was also planning further cuts in spending this year. According to the Finance Ministry, the deficit reached 271 billion crowns at the end of May.

    According to ANO leader Andrej Babiš, the Fiala government is responsible for the fact that Czechia has the third highest inflation in the EU, has failed to draw the EU funds to which the country has access and is trying to curb the deficit by taking money from the weakest groups in the society such as pensioners and families with children.

  • 06/04/2023

    The last two Czech citizens stranded in war-torn Sudan have been successfully evacuated with the help of Turkey, Czech Foreign Minister Jan Lipavský said on Twitter. The two Czech men brought to safety were technicians who travelled to southern Sudan to service diesel engines at the Nyala power plant that the BM Services company from Hradec Králové delivered ten years ago. The work was to last two months and they were stranded in the country. Fighting between the army and rebels from the paramilitary Rapid Support Force broke out in mid-April and foreign governments quickly pulled their nationals from the country. Three Czechs were earlier evacuated with the help of Germany. The fighting has displaced nearly 1.4 million people from their homes.

  • 06/04/2023

    Trade union protest actions may come sooner if the government cuts the salaries of state employees in 2023, the head of the Czech-Moravian Confederation of Trade Unions Josef Středula said on Czech Television. The umbrella union organization has already declared a strike alert over the government’s austerity package for next year but was still hoping to persuade the cabinet to modify some of the measures announced. The unions have protested against planned cuts to public servants' salaries. Due to the deepening deficit this year Finance Minister Zbyněk Stanjura wants to cut the total amount of money for civil service salaries by four percent instead of the projected two and introduce the cuts earlier.
