• 06/13/2023

    Scottish actor, director, and producer Ewan McGregor will attend the opening ceremony of the Karlovy Vary International Film festival, where he will receive the festival President’s Award, the organizers announced on Tuesday.

    The winner of a Golden Globe, an Emmy, and numerous other awards will present his new film You Sing Loud, I Sing Louder, in which he appears alongside his daughter Clara, who will also be a guest of this year’s festival.

    Another star to be presented the award at the opening ceremony will be the Oscar-winning Swedish actress and producer Alicia Vikander.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
  • 06/13/2023

    Czech Interior Minister Vít Rakušan has called on people not to allow themselves to be manipulated into prejudice and hatred following an incident that occurred on Saturday in Brno, where a man, cited by several sources as being of Ukrainian nationality, stabbed two men, one of whom died as a result of his injuries. The dead man was of Roma origin. According to Seznam Zprávy, the attack has prompted a wave of anti-Ukrainian and xenophobic reactions.

    Mr. Rakušan said on Twitter that like all tragic events, this incident has stirred up emotions in people, but called on the public not to allow themselves to be manipulated by those who would use the opportunity to incite hatred and xenophobia. He added that the emotions people are feeling are completely understandable, but using one person's crime to incite hatred and intolerance against an entire group is as reprehensible as the violence itself.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 06/13/2023

    Taiwanese Foreign Minister Joseph Wu began his second visit to the Czech Republic on Tuesday. On the agenda is a meeting with the President of the Senate, Miloš Vystrčil, an unofficial dinner with the Speaker of the lower house, Markéta Pekarová Adamová, and a security conference organised by the European Values Organisation on Wednesday.

    China warned European countries last week against having contact with Taiwanese officials and supporting Taiwanese "pro-independence forces". In recent years, Czechia has intensified its support for Taiwan. For example, both Mr. Vystrčil and Ms. Pekarová Adamová recently visited the island country, and President Petr Pavel spoke over the phone after he was elected with Taiwanese president Chai Jing-wen.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 06/12/2023

    The public prosecutor has proposed a suspended sentence of two and a half years and a fine of CZK 500 000 for former Prime Minister Petr Nečas, and suspended sentences of two years and fines of CZK 400,000 for Mr Nečas's wife and the third defendant in the case, the former deputy at the Ministry of Agriculture, Roman Boček. The trio is being prosecuted for bribery, for which they face up to six years in prison. All deny any blame.

    The former prime minister, his then head of cabinet and now wife Jana Nečasová (formerly Nagyová), and Mr Boček promised MPs Mark Šnajdra, Petar Tluchoř and Ivan Fuks lucrative positions in return for giving up their mandate and passing a government tax package. The case contributed to the fall of the Nečas government in 2013.

    The former prime minister has already received a one-year probation and a fine of CZK 100 000 for falsely testifying in favour of his wife.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 06/12/2023

    Tuesday should be mostly cloudy but dry, with some sunshine in the early morning. In the late afternoon and evening there is a chance of some light showers. Daytime temperatures are expected to range between 16 and 20 degrees Celsius.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 06/12/2023

    Archaeologists have discovered the cremated remains of more than 80 political prisoners who died between 1948 and 1965 at Prague's Pankrác prison, in the area of the former gallows where the death penalty was carried out between 1947 and 1954. Among the dead were both opponents of the regime who were executed, including soldiers who participated in the anti-communist resistance, as well as people who died in the Pankrác prison hospital.

    The archaeological survey of the site took place last October. After organic material was found in the soil, an analysis determined that it was actually the remains of charred bones.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 06/12/2023

    Europe has so far neglected the continent of Africa but that has been changing since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Foreign Minister Jan Lipavský said on Monday before leaving for a five-day trip to Angola and Zambia. He also said that common goals unite Europe and Czechia with Africa and that African partners see that EU projects offer a better deal than Russian ones.

    Mr Lipavský is flying to Africa with a business delegation that includes representatives from the fields of medical device manufacturing, food production, engineering, and logistics. The trip will include meetings with top politicians from both countries, launching business forums, a human rights seminar, and visiting a local Czech development aid project.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 06/12/2023

    West Ham midfielder Tomáš Souček has won the Golden Ball award for the best Czech footballer of the season for the third time in his career. The 28-year-old national team captain previously clinched the trophy in 2020 and 2021. Fiorentina midfielder Antonín Barák came second in this year’s competition, just one point behind him.

    The Golden Ball is awarded each year to the best Czech footballer as decided by a committee of the country’s sports journalists. The results of the poll, now in its 27th year, were announced on Monday.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 06/12/2023

    During the first quarter of this year, the population of the Czech Republic increased by 23,100 to 10.85 million, the Czech Statistical Office revealed on Monday. More people died than were born in this period, so the increase was only thanks to migrants coming into the country, mainly Ukrainians fleeing the war. Three-quarters of the immigrants were Ukrainian citizens, while the second largest group of migrants was Slovaks, at four percent.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 06/12/2023

    The consortium of investors headed by Australia's Macquarie Asset Management (MAM) has started the process of selling GasNet, Czechia's largest distributor of natural gas, Czech daily Hospodářské Noviny wrote on Monday. The valuation of the company may amount to several tens of billions of Czech crowns. The sales process is to be managed from London, where the consortium of investors, which also includes British Columbia Investment Management Corporation and Allianz Capital Partners, is based. All firms have declined to comment on the sale.

    GasNet supplies gas to households and companies throughout the Czech Republic, except for Prague and the South Bohemia Region. It manages 65,000 kilometres of gas pipelines and has more than 2.3 million customers.

    Author: Anna Fodor
