• 11/09/2023

    The Czech Senate has approved the government's austerity package, which aims to cut the growing deficit in public spending by CZK 150 billion by 2025. After a debate lasting roughly seven hours on Wednesday in which 32 senators spoke, votes were finally cast in the evening, with 53 of the 74 senators present voting to approve the package. The set of reforms now has to be reviewed and signed into law by President Petr Pavel. He has up to 15 days to veto the bill if he decides to do so.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 11/08/2023

    Thursday is expected to be overcast but dry, with daytime temperatures ranging between 6 and 12 degrees Celsius.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 11/08/2023

    Activists from the environmental organisation Greenpeace protested outside the Ministry of Agriculture on Wednesday morning against the felling of old-growth forests in Czechia. Some of the roughly two dozen protestors climbed ladders to hang a banner from the ministry building which read "The Ministry of Cutting Down Old Forests", as well as putting paper helmets on the heads and models of chainsaws in the hands of the statues above the entrance to the ministry building.

    According to Greenpeace, old-growth forests are important for maintaining biodiversity and preventing climate change. The head of the campaign said that over 21,000 people had signed a petition in support of saving Czechia's old-growth forests.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 11/08/2023

    The descendants of the Czechoslovak politician Josef Schieszl, a close associate of T. G. Masaryk, have called on Culture Minister Martin Baxa to declare their ancestor's historic Prague villa a cultural heritage site, Czech news site Deník N reported on Wednesday. The villa on Petřín hill is currently having demolition work carried out on it in order for a new house to be built there instead for a secret investor. Deník N writes that the investor's identity is hidden behind a tangle of sixteen offshore companies based in Cyprus.

    The Czech Building Authority approved the demolition work despite the objections of the Prague 5 local government and the National Heritage Institute. Residents from the local neighbourhood in Smíchov have also started a petition against the demolition of the villa.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 11/08/2023

    A 36-year-old former volunteer guard has been formally charged with general endangerment and damage to another's property for starting the largest forest fire in Czechia's history in Bohemian Switzerland last year, Czech news site iDnes reported on Wednesday. The same man also set fire to a lookout tower and seating areas in nearby Děčín in April this year. The defendant, who is now in custody, has partially confessed to the crime, but his motives remain unclear. He could face up to 15 years in prison.

    The fire, which took 6,000 firefighters 20 days to extinguish, broke out near the Czech-German border on the night of July 24 last year and spread to over 1000 hectares of forest.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 11/08/2023

    The Senate has approved extending the training of Ukrainian soldiers in Czechia until the end of 2024. Defence Minister Jana Černochová told senators that Czechia's priority was to ensure that Ukrainian soldiers could continue to be trained in the country, as this would contribute to ending the war as soon as possible.

    On Wednesday the Senate also approved the extension of most Czech military foreign missions for next year.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 11/08/2023

    Teachers unions in Czechia have decided to hold a day-long warning strike of primary, secondary and kindergarten schools, scheduled to take place on November 27. The trade unionists are seeking more money for the education sector for next year. Education Minister Mikuláš Bek told them that he was continuing to look for ways to strengthen the budget and offered them further negotiations.

    Mr. Bek has previously said that teachers should get an average of CZK 2,500 raise in January. According to the law, the average teacher's salary should reach 130 percent of the country’s average gross wage. However, the calculation will be based on last year’s wages, so it is estimated to be at about 113.5 percent of the current average.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
  • 11/08/2023

    Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala began his visit to Ghana on Wednesday, the third stop on his tour of sub-Saharan Africa. Mr. Fiala left for the Ghanaian capital Accra in the morning from the Kenyan capital Nairobi.

    The Prime Minister, who is accompanied by a large business delegation, was originally scheduled to spend the day in Nigeria, but the Nigerian government cancelled the visit at the last minute, citing inability to provide "adequate reception".

    The main part of the Prime Minister's programme in Ghana is scheduled for Thursday, when he will be received by Ghana's President Nana Akufo-Addo. Mr. Fiala will also launch the Czech-Ghana Business Forum and is expected to meet with members of the MEDEVAC mission.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
  • 11/07/2023

    A new survey carried out by experts from the National Institute of Mental Health will comprehensively map the sexual behaviour of the Czech population.

    The survey, called Czech Sex, will involve some 6,000 respondents, and will focus, among other things, on sexual health, pleasure and wellbeing.

    The research, which will include online questionnaires and face-to-face interviews, will start in the next few days and will last until March 2024. A similar survey was last carried out in Czechia ten years ago.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
  • 11/07/2023

    Wednesday is expected to be partly overcast with occasional rain or snow showers and day temperatures ranging between 8 and 12 degrees Celsius.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
