• 03/04/2005

    The head of the Prague AIDS Centre Marie Stankova has said that the treatment of AIDS patients has been put under threat following budget cuts by the Health Minister. Mrs Stankova was reacting to a statement deleted from health ministry regulations that had previously allowed centres to cross budget "ceilings". Mrs Stankova says that centre officials had repeatedly discussed the problem with the Health Ministry. She says that unless some compromise can be reached, centres will have to consider limiting treatment with new effective but costly medication. Of 730 HIV-positive patients registered in the Czech Republic, 350 are undergoing treatment.

    Author: Jan Velinger
  • 03/04/2005

    A Prague court has ruled that Bambini di Praga choirmaster Bohumil Kulinsky, awaiting trial for the alleged sexual abuse of underage girls, will remain in custody. On Friday the court rejected a complaint by Mr Kulinsky that he had been held longer than the three months allowed under the "collusion custody" law. The district court agreed with the prosecution that there was danger the accused might influence witnesses - and extended the three-month deadline.

    Author: Jan Velinger
  • 03/04/2005

    The Czech Republic will sponsor an assessment study of the extent of damage caused by fire in the Chilean national park Torres del Paine, the Chilean press wrote on Thursday. The fire was caused last month when a Czech tourist's stove overturned, causing wildfire to spread rapidly through 16,000 hectares of forest. An official Czech delegation has expressed deep regret for what happened and is now holding talks with the Chilean side.

    Author: Jan Velinger
  • 03/04/2005

    The Czech Commission for the privatisation of fixed-line operator Czech telecom has "okayed" the entry of France Telecom into the government tender. Several firms are now vying to bid for the state's 51 percent majority share including the firms Blackstone, CVC, and Providence. At the same time the commission acknowledged withdrawal by the consortium of PPF, J&T, InWay and Tiscali, which had bid an estimated 71.3 billion crowns, or approximately 3 billion U.S. dollars. The withdrawal is otherwise not expected to have a wider negative impact on the tender - given the entry of France Telecom.

    Author: Jan Velinger
  • 03/04/2005

    A 32-year-old miner from the east Moravian region of Ostrava is in stable condition following an accident Thursday that killer his 24-year-old colleague. A hospital spokeswoman said the man had suffered no broken bones and no internal organ damage. He was injured and his colleague killed when the mine's conveyor equipment broke down. The exact cause of his colleague's death remains unknown.

    Author: Jan Velinger
  • 03/03/2005

    The Prime Minister Stanislav Gross said the Social Democrats were ready to continue in the current three-party coalition government. Speaking after Thursday's coalition meeting, Mr Gross also said he was prepared to publicly apologise to everyone who, as he said, could have been offended by his earlier statements regarding his flat financing scandal. The Christian Democrat Chairman Miroslav Kalousek said his party would not call on the Prime Minister to resign before the Social Democrat party congress at Easter. He said it was up to the Social Democrats to resolve the Prime Minister's scandal themselves.

    The Christian Democrats originally called on the prime minister to step down, while many Social Democrats demanded that three Christian Democrats ministers be dismissed from the cabinet. On Wednesday Prime Minister Gross said he will step down if he does not receive the strong backing of the Social Democrats at Saturday's party meeting. Mr Gross has been under pressure for some weeks over his family's private finance, with the affair threatening to bring down the governing coalition.

  • 03/03/2005

    The opposition Communists say they are ready to start negotiations about their support for a Social Democrat minority government. In exchange for their support, the Communists would require a change in the Social Democrats' policy. That scenario is one of several possible resolutions of the current coalition crisis, which broke out over Prime Minister Gross's property affairs in mid-February.

  • 03/03/2005


    The Finance Minister Bohuslav Sobotka has said the costs of the Czech economic transformation between the year 1990 and 2004 exceeded 600 billion crowns (26 billion dollars), with most of the money going to bank and company revitalisation. Further dozens of billions of crowns were paid in support to municipalities and regions, Mr Sobotka said.

  • 03/03/2005

    The consortium of firms PPF, J&T, InWay and Tiscali has pulled out from a tender for a state-held stake in Cesky Telecom, a PPF spokeswoman said without giving any reasons. The consortium allegedly offered the highest preliminary bid of 71.3 billion crowns. Still in play for the majority stake in Cesky Telecom are France Telecom with the consortium Blackstone/CVC/Provident and telecoms operators Swisscom, Belgacom and Telefonica.

  • 03/03/2005

    Czech arms manufacturer Arms Moravia appears to have exported arms to Congo, despite an international embargo, Thursday's edition of Hospodarske noviny reported. It says another company, Ceska zbrojovka Uhersky Brod attempted to illegally export over five thousand sub-machine guns to the country in the year 2000. The paper says former foreign minister Jan Kavan okayed the latter deal, despite having been made aware of the embargo.
