• 10/26/2023

    The world-renowned Czech conductor Zdeněk Mácal died on Wednesday at the age of 87, the Czech News Agency reports. During his long career, he conducted more than 170 major orchestras including the Berlin Philharmonic, the London Royal Philharmonic, the Vienna Symphony Orchestra, and the Chicago and Boston Symphony Orchestras. Between 2003 and 2007, he was also chief conductor of the Czech Philharmonic in his native country.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 10/26/2023

    Morocco stands behind the Palestinian Authority headed by Mahmoud Abbas and appeals for a two-state solution to the conflict between Israel and Palestine, Moroccan Foreign Minister Nasser Bourita said after Thursday's meeting with his Czech counterpart, Jan Lipavský. Mr. Bourita said that Morocco will always be of the opinion that the armed conflict must end and that any solution is preferable to a military one, adding that the violence taking place "is completely unacceptable from the point of view of the international community and human reason". He also spoke about the necessity of humanitarian aid reaching civilians.

    Czech Foreign Minister Jan Lipavský said that he reiterated Czechia's position during the meeting that Hamas is a terrorist organization and that Israel has Czechia's unequivocal support, but added that "we all must strive" to prevent the armed conflict from spreading further in the region. He said that humanitarian aid is also important to Czechia, but that it shouldn't be in a form that would prevent the defeat of Hamas, which he described as a "terrorist movement which has committed heinous crimes against innocent Israeli citizens".

    However, the two foreign ministers found common ground in their shared understanding of the need to increase pressure on Russia to end its war against Ukraine, Mr. Lipavský said.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 10/26/2023

    Friday is expected to be wet and overcast, with daytime temperatures of 10 to 11 degrees Celsius.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 10/26/2023

    It is clear who is the victim and who is the aggressor in the Israel-Hamas war, Prime Minister Petr Fiala told journalists at a press conference before departing for an EU summit in Brussels on Thursday. He stated that he intends to lobby for Israel's right to self-defence to be confirmed in the European Council's conclusions.

    When asked about a possible Israeli ground operation in the Gaza Strip, the prime minister reiterated that Israel had the right to defend itself by any means it deems appropriate in order to protect its civilian population. He said that the Czech Republic would agree to the creation of humanitarian corridors in Gaza if they were mentioned in the European Council's conclusions, but added that he did not consider this to be the most important thing that should be mentioned in the conclusions, saying that Israel's right to self-defence must be emphasised above all.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 10/26/2023

    The police have again charged former TV Nova reporter Jana Peterková with spreading alarmist news, Czech Television reports. In a video published on social media, she stated that war would be declared after the current Czech president Petr Pavel took office. Ms. Peterková already received a two-year suspended sentence in May for the same crime.

    The former journalist now faces up to five years in prison, as she has already been legally convicted for the same crime. Her previous conviction was due to videos she made during the coronavirus pandemic in which she spread false information about people dying after being vaccinated against covid-19 and Czechia being occupied by NATO troops.

    Some of her supporters were charged last week with disorderly conduct, violence against a public authority and contempt of court after they disrupted her appeal hearing in May by breaking down a door and attacking the judicial guard.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 10/26/2023

    Eva Filipi is stepping down as Czech ambassador to Syria on October 31 after 13 years in the post, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Daniel Drake confirmed to Czech news site Seznam Zprávy.

    Seznam Zprávy describes Eva Filipi's tenure in Syria as "one of the most mysterious projects of Czech diplomacy". Ms. Filipi was one of the very few Western diplomats who remained in Syria during the civil war, and Czechia was the only EU country to maintain operations at its embassy in Syria throughout the conflict. The Czech embassy also represented the United States in Syria, as the US closed its embassy in the country in 2012.

    Ms. Filipi received a state award from Syrian President Bashar al-Assad before the end of her tenure, which the Czech Foreign Ministry describes as "standard procedure" for departing ambassadors in Syria, with the formal event fully under the control of the host country.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 10/26/2023

    The Czech counter-intelligence service BIS has named Russia Czechia's biggest security threat in its annual report, saying that the invasion of Ukraine confirmed the risks that BIS and intelligence services in other democratic countries had been warning of for years. The report said that Russian cyberespionage activities in Czechia decreased slightly last year, but that cyberattacks on Czech institutions and companies by Russian hacking groups increased.

    BIS evaluated the expulsion last year of further Russian embassy staff from Czechia as a positive move, as many of these people were connected to Russian intelligence services and used their official positions and diplomatic protection to cover up their espionage activities. However, the intelligence agency warned that the risk of Russia carrying out hostile activities using non-diplomatic cover could increase as a result.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 10/26/2023

    The film ‘Brothers’, a retelling of the Cold War story of the controversial Mašín brothers, premiers in Czech cinemas on Thursday.

    The film, which has been selected by the Czech Film and Television Academy as the Czech Oscar nominee for 2024, was written by screenwriter Marek Epstein and directed by Tomáš Mašín, a distant relative of the Mašíns.

    It dramatises the events surrounding the Mašín brothers forming an armed resistance group and escaping from communist Czechoslovakia to West Berlin in 1953.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
  • 10/26/2023

    The lower house has approved the 2024 state budget draft in its first reading.

    The proposed budget, which envisages a 252 billion crown deficit, passed through its first reading after a debate that lasted more than 11 hours.

    The proposal, encompassing the basic parameters of the budget, including the size of income and expenditure, was supported by 87 MPs out of 156 present.

    A second and third reading will follow in which the precise details of the budget will be discussed and subject to a final vote.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
  • 10/25/2023

    The speaker of the Czech Senate, Miloš Vystrčil, and the head of the Ukrainian Supreme Council Ruslan Stefanchuk signed a memorandum of support for Ukraine in Prague on Wednesday.

    The document is intended to ensure all-round cooperation and mutual support of the country in the fight against the Russian aggressor and the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine.

    Mr. Stefanchuk, who came to Prague for the second International Parliamentary Summit of the Crimean Platform, thanked Czechia for its support provided to Ukraine since the Russian invasion of the country. The Senate also donated a van and an electricity generator to the Ukrainian Parliament to help it ahead of the approaching winter.

    Author: Ruth Fraňková
