• 10/28/2023

    Slovak President Zuzana Čaputová and Speaker of Parliament Peter Pellegrini marked the founding of Czechoslovakia in Bratislava on the eve of the anniversary, laying wreaths at the memorials of Czechoslovak co-founders Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk and Milan Rastislav Štefánik. “The establishment of Czechoslovakia in 1918 laid the foundations for an independent Slovakia in the years to come,” President Čaputová said, describing the common state of Czechs and Slovaks as "a very modern, democratic republic in its day and age, which laid the foundations for an independent judiciary and suffrage for women”. October 28 is not a public holiday in Slovakia.

  • 10/28/2023

    Events are being held around the country to mark Czechoslovak Independence Day commemorating the founding of Czechoslovakia on October 28, 1918 and honouring the country’s co-founder and first president Tomas Guarrigue Masaryk.

    A commemorative ceremony, honouring those who laid down their lives for the country, took place at the Vitkov Memorial in Prague attended by President Petr Pavel, Prime Minister Petr Fiala, Defense Minister Jana Černochová, Chief of the Army General Staff Karel Řehka and other high-ranking officials.

    Prime Minister Petr Fiala told journalists that the present day Czech Republic is built on the traditions and values of the First Republic. "In addition to gratitude, we should also feel responsible for what we have and strive to maintain it, so as to pass on a prosperous, free country to the next generation," he said.

    In line with tradition, President Petr Pavel appointed a number of servicemen to the rank of general at Prague Castle on the occasion of the anniversary. Among the 16 appointees are former BIS intelligence operations chief Petr Špaček and the first deputy director of the General Directorate of Customs, David Chovanec.

    The country’s top politicians, cultural figures, academics and members of the public laid flowers at the  statue of Czechoslovakia’s first president Tomas Garrigue Masaryk on Hradčany Square.

    The highlight of the celebrations is a ceremony at Prague Castle on Saturday evening, at which President Pavel will hand out high state distinctions to 60 people for outstanding services to the country.

  • 10/27/2023

    The lower house had approved a bill that will tax the profits of large multinational companies that are based abroad but operate in the Czech Republic. The so-called equalization tax, which is in line with European legislation, is due to come into force as of January 1, 2024. The bill still needs to be passed by the Senate and signed by the president. The government expects it to bring about CZK 2 billion a year to state coffers.

  • 10/27/2023

    Saturday should be partly cloudy to overcast with rain around the country and day temperatures between 11 and 15 degrees Celsius.

  • 10/27/2023

    The Chamber of Deputies has approved a draft bill that will increase the parental allowance by 50,000 crowns to 350,000 crowns from January of 2024. The increase will apply only to children born as of the beginning of next year. This latter decision has come under fire from some MPs and from parents, who say it is unfair to the parents of babies born just days or weeks ahead of the set date.  The opposition ANO party failed to push through a more dramatic increase in the parental allowance to 400,000 crowns. The proposal will now go to the Senate for debate. Under Czech law parents can determine how much they will receive each month from the set allowance.

  • 10/27/2023

    President Petr Pavel will hold a reception for foreign diplomats at Prague Castle on Friday. A meeting with foreign diplomats is traditionally held on the eve of Czechoslovak Independence Day, marking the founding of Czechoslovakia on October 28, 1918. The president's wife Eva will also be present.  The president organized one such meeting with the diplomatic corps shortly after his inauguration earlier this year.

    Foreign diplomats are traditionally also invited to the award giving ceremony at Prague Castle on Czechoslovak Independence Day.

  • 10/27/2023

    Czech households paid significantly more for gas and electricity in the first half of this year than citizens in the other Visegrad Group (V4) member countries, i.e. Poland, Hungary and Slovakia, according to data published by Eurostat. Electricity for Czech households has risen by more than a quarter year-on-year and gas by more than half. In April, Eurostat published data on gas and electricity prices, according to which gas prices for households in the Czech Republic in the second half of last year saw the steepest increase in all of the EU member states.

  • 10/27/2023

    The Čedok travel agency is evacuating around 500 Czech tourists from the Egyptian resort of Taba on the Red Sea, where a rocket hit a medical facility during the night, Czech Foreign Ministry spokesman Daniel Drake told the ctk news agency. According to Čedok all its clients there are safe and are receiving information about transfers to the airport. They are being evacuated on charter flights as a precautionary measure. Jan Papež, vice-chairman of the Association of Travel Agencies of the Czech Republic, said that he has no information at the moment that any other domestic travel agency has clients in the area.

  • 10/27/2023

    President Petr Pavel will be handing out state awards to over 60 people on Czechoslovak Independence Day, the head of the president's office, Jana Vohralíková, told journalists on Friday. October 28 is a public holiday in the Czech Republic marking the founding of Czechoslovakia in 1918. On this day, the president hands out high state distinctions to people for "outstanding services" to the Czech Republic. The president's office has not divulged the names of the recipients before the ceremony, but former foreign minister and one-time presidential candidate Karel Schwarzenberg told the Czech daily Právo that he will be receiving the highest award, the Order of the White Lion.

    Due to the ceremony, the Old Royal Palace, the Story of Prague Castle exhibition and the Royal Garden, including the Jiří Štourač exhibition, will be closed all day on Saturday, while the Prague Castle grounds will be closed to the public from 3.00 pm, with last entry at 2.30 pm.

    Author: Anna Fodor
  • 10/27/2023

    A Czech climber has died in Nepal while climbing in the Himalayas, apparently by slipping and falling, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Daniel Drake told the Czech News Agency on Friday. CNN Prima News reported that the local police in Nepal had informed the Czech consulate in Kathmandu about the death of a Czech citizen, information which the consulate then forwarded to the embassy in Delhi. The Foreign Ministry was informed of the man's death on Thursday. The incident is currently being investigated further.

    Author: Anna Fodor
